Saturday, November 29, 2014

november feelies

Whenever I thought about November, I always thought about crisp air, leaves turning different colors, having the fireplace on at all hours of the day, being able to snuggle into my comfy clothes and sit in a corner with some hot chocolate and a blanket... but no, I live in Southern California, where my air is sometimes crisp, but only for a couple of hours because that blazing sun comes pouring in at 10 AM, and suddenly the wind dies down and you can spot heat waves on cars from miles away; the leaves are still changing but the grass is fading and insects are now scouring homes for shade in the middle of November, no less. 

Moving onto more exciting things to talk about other than the weather...
Finals are coming up! Finals are sort of exciting because they always mark a stepping stone, a time where everyone stresses together and when it's over you sleep in and always feel like even that is a waste of time. But it will be hard earned, the sleeping in part. I'm looking forward to next semester because I'm taking on 14 units-- my biggest semester yet! I have to meet up with a counselor soon so they can provide some insight as to how much farther I have left until I can finalllllly transfer! I'll also be working, but I'm looking forward to it.

Thanksgiving has passed and now Christmas is here... which means I now have reason to bring out the Christmas piano books and sing "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" without receiving dirty looks from people. Oh yeah, the sun is still out. I wonder if it'll ever go away...