Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Skype - a staple in my diet, aka my life

As of last week, I haven't exactly been in the best mood... I went through some sad days where I didn't really talk to anyone, and shut out a couple of people. But as the week went on, I slowly came out of hiding and began to talk to a few people about what had happened, and through that, I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders. The more I talked about it, came to terms with it, and accepted it, the easier it became to move on from my sad place and on with my life. 
 -Relationships are still something I'm trying to master, and it's definitely a work in progress! 

For the past week or so, I have been Skyping with my best friend, Thomas, who is far away in college land. Through these continuous Skype calls, I've managed to stay positive and take my mind off of what was saddening me and distract myself with basically anything. 

The other day, we streamed "AHS: Coven" and of course we were Skyping while this was happening. 
Some days, when I'm feeling low, I'll tell my story or memories just for the sake of getting them out of my head, and he just listens. He never really says much back, and I appreciate it. Sometimes I just need someone to listen to me.

He even blasted "The Whisper Song" while I was out cold. I had fallen asleep around 3 AM, and by this time it was 4 AM, so of course I heard nothing.

Our longest Skype call was 13 hours. THIRTEEN! I'm just glad I don't have to spend all my hours alone.

However, Thomas is far far away, and I have friends who are within driving distance. Usually, we spend our time together celebrating the end of the week with dinner and boba! 

This group of friends keep me afloat, so that I'm not treading waters, but enjoying the crisp air and taking it all in. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Little things

So my youngest sister and I are 5 years apart, and that being said, it's a little hard for us to find common ground sometimes. It took me a couple of years to finally get somewhere with my sister, and even when we have our bad times, we'll work it out. 

And we work it out with none other than music!

Yep, she plays the ukelele while I attempt to sing whatever song she picks. Then it switches. I pick a song, and she transposes so that the chords are to her liking. Sometimes I'll play songs on the piano and she'll sing along. It's all just relaxing and fun really.

We also share music with each other. 

On days where I don't feel myself, I'll knock on her door and crawl into the bed next to her as she shows me her favorite YouTube videos. It's little things like this that make me appreciate having someone to come to when I don't feel like being alone.

Also, I'm in the midst of making her a CD and I know she's going to love it! I know. She told me so. 

It's nice to get along with the people you live with. Especially if it is a child who looks up to you. Even though she's 14, she's still the baby. 



My name is Keri and I am a 19 year-old college student currently aspiring to be a Psychologist and then eventually doing something with kids in a particular field. 

Most of the time this blog will consist of blurbs and adventures. Sometimes it will consist of profound thoughts by none other than yours truly! ;) 

I like to splurge on pizza from Pieology, milk tea boba from Lollicup, and everything from In-N-Out. I have an addiction to search for new music weekly, sometimes even daily. 

I have recently discovered the wonders of being surrounded by people who care about you, and boy does it feel great! I know it totally sounds cliche, but the one thing that I've held onto most is family and friends. They are definitely my rock and without them, I am nothing. 

Some days, I'll stumble upon pretty words found from the internet and I don't exactly know where they'll go, but I've decided that they'll go here! I have a LOOONG list of anime, TV shows, and movies I have yet to watch. I'll probably post my opinions about them on here too.

In short, this blog is just an outlet for me to express myself in all ways possible.

If you got this far, I commend you! 
But if not,

TL;DR My name is Keri, and I am creating this blog simply for me. 

I will do my absolute best to keep this going for as long as possible!