Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Getting farther

If anyone's been around me in the past month or so, they'd know that I'm definitely unwell. Immune system-wise. I contracted some strange bug that started me off with laryngitis, before evolving into what I think is bronchitis.
I have all the symptoms for bronchitis but I haven't actually gone to get a diagnosis from a doctor. I've gone to two doctors but to be honest, only one really helped. But ever since then, I haven't gone back since. Yes, she's a good doctor. But I had a very uncomfortable experience and I would much rather not go back and have to endure that again.
I'm on three prescription meds, and honestly nothing has really changed. I've gotten worse, and she diagnosed me with "post-nasal drapes". Whatever that means. I have the internet, I can totally look it up.

But bottom line is that I'm sick. Grossly sick.

And I'm so frustrated because I want to get better (Bleachers, yeah!) and it's been an uphill battle since day 1.

Maybe this is just the beginning. I hope not.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I started my third year at a junior college and I'm only getting closer and closer to my goal: to transfer to a four-year college, preferably UCDavis.

I passed my online math class from summer semester and now I'm in my third week of school (already!) and I'm taking another math class. The only thing keeping me from transferring earlier are all of these math classes...

It'll all be over before I know it and I'll be surrounded by fellow psychology majors and friends and family.

I also still have to clean my room.
I'll go do that now.

random burst of energy at 10 pm on a rather uneventful Thursday night

let it be known that

1. I am terrible at :
-keeping a blog slash any sort of commitment (lest it's a relationship, or friendship. I'm pretty good at those.)
-keeping my room clean for more than 3 hours.
-eating breakfast on a daily basis.
-fiber intake. You already know where I'm going with this one.
-keeping track of my contact lenses.
-avoiding consuming large portions of hot cheetos, salt and vinegar chips, and boba.
2. Waking up at a reasonable hour on the weekends doesn't happen.
3. I buy a lot of candles and never really burn them all the way.
4. I hoard cups in my room and take them downstairs to wash 2 or 3 days later.
5. I really should be doing something else besides this.

I am so, so good at procrastinating. I'll clean my room in the next 20 minutes, and by clean, I really mean speed clean.
And then I'll get to the dishes that I told my mother I would do.
I told her I would do them almost two hours ago.

But I had coffee ice cream. . .
I cannot show up for work half-asleep. Or sleep deprived.