Saturday, January 24, 2015

new music

First of all -- I made another post! This is progress! Even if it's just about music! Progress! 

Okay, now onto the real reason this post exists:

Every now and then, I stumble upon some glorious artist that I feel needs to be shared with the part of the world that is particularly uncultured about said artist. That being said, this month's favorites are

Lily & Madeleine

If you like Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, The Staves, First Aid Kit, and the like, then this duo is totally for you. Their music is overall relaxing, mood lifting, and therapeutic in a way. I've been listening to "Fumes" (seriously, go listen to it. Right now. Here, I'll make it easy for you: click this. right now.)

Some other favorites by them include "Lost Upon the Sea", "Paradise", "Things I'll Later Lose".

Now go listen to them if you haven't already!
Go go go!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

january musings

as always, it takes me a lifetime to update anything on this blog! i'm just not as committed to it as i should be, but that's always subject to change!

i'm currently enjoying the not-so pleasant view of my not-so tidy room, but like i stated above, that is subject to change. and it is subject to change pretty often, it seems. in addition to the lovely room i'm typing this in, i'm also accompanied by a warm cup of minty tea + brown sugar added in, as well as my half eaten milano. i'm back into milanos again, i don't know how i ever went without them! 

well, school started up again yesterday and i was thrown into the full swing of it as well as work and so my motivation for both of those things is slowly but surely returning. sooner or later these gears will stop rusting and be running smoothly. 

some pretty life-changing things have happened:
1. i chopped off all of my hair! okay, not all of it. but enough to shock people who knew me with my long, multi-colored, dead hair. it was a pretty dramatic cut and surprisingly, i've never stopped loving it. i do find myself getting a little bored with the dull brown + black so i'll have to fix that, and soon. my impulsiveness is completely apparent when it comes to my hair. one day it's black, two hours later, it's red. what can you do?
TL;DR: i cut off enough hair to shock everyone. 

2. i added a second dresser to my room! yes, i do own that many clothes! it's an awful habit of mine, buying things that probably have nothing to match with what i already own, so i go out of my way to purchase yet another thing to go with the one thing that it'll pair well with. that, and i hoard clothes. oops! i have to start giving away some clothes i no longer wear, like those outdated pair of jeans from 7th grade that i thought were so cool at the time. sometimes they are cool, but most of the time they look unclassy and really add to the "10th grade" look i already adorn, thanks to genetics and such.
TL;DR: i bought a new dresser because i own too many things!
3. i'm drinking tea again. doesn't really sound like much of a life change, in all honesty, but the habit of me even drinking something remotely hydrating/therapeutic is something you don't come by often! i'm the worst at remembering to stay hydrated, or to eat another meal because i'm hungry. i got used to the "you can starve for three hours, it will not kill you", but then it does end up killing me and i end up eating everything in sight. this tea is damn delicious. so, so good. so good i had to swear.
TL;DR: drink freaking tea and you'll know how i feel 

every now and then i remember to come to this website and post some random blabberings about positively nothing and absolutely everything. whoever is reading my scattered posts, thank you! sorry i'm not good at this, but i appreciate you taking the time to scroll through my not-so exciting life. and much to your surprise, i'm very cliche and moderately uninteresting. 

but then again, doesn't that make me less-than moderately interesting, too? 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Some random scribbling from my notebook


  1. do you laundry so you don't recycle clothes / throw out clothes you no longer wear. 
  2. light a candle before bed and when you wake up to improve your mood and the smell of your room
  3. brush your hair / hair mask !!! your hair is dying. hydrate it! 
  4. q-tips are a thing. use them. 
  5. read a book at least once a day 
  6. pray - however you need to that day -- sing, dance, cry, sleep
  7. tell people how much you love them
  8. hang pictures on your wall
  9. keep your study area clean to avoid getting anxious 
  10. keep your car clean for the same effect
  11. have incentives 
  12. maintain your grades
  13. maintain your health
  14. be aware of your spending habits
  15. budget often - you won't regret it 
  16. breathe
  17. give often
  18. you don't NEED that until you're in the sore. don't go in the store 
  19. cut your hair every once in a while
  20. thank your parents
  21. eat three meals a day!!!! !!!!
  22. vitamins!!!
  23. other medication if needed !!!
  24. exercise / yoga / walk
  25. fiber
  26. green!!!
  27. fruit!!!!
  28. water!!!