Thursday, September 4, 2014

random burst of energy at 10 pm on a rather uneventful Thursday night

let it be known that

1. I am terrible at :
-keeping a blog slash any sort of commitment (lest it's a relationship, or friendship. I'm pretty good at those.)
-keeping my room clean for more than 3 hours.
-eating breakfast on a daily basis.
-fiber intake. You already know where I'm going with this one.
-keeping track of my contact lenses.
-avoiding consuming large portions of hot cheetos, salt and vinegar chips, and boba.
2. Waking up at a reasonable hour on the weekends doesn't happen.
3. I buy a lot of candles and never really burn them all the way.
4. I hoard cups in my room and take them downstairs to wash 2 or 3 days later.
5. I really should be doing something else besides this.

I am so, so good at procrastinating. I'll clean my room in the next 20 minutes, and by clean, I really mean speed clean.
And then I'll get to the dishes that I told my mother I would do.
I told her I would do them almost two hours ago.

But I had coffee ice cream. . .
I cannot show up for work half-asleep. Or sleep deprived.

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