Monday, March 31, 2014

Some pretty exciting things have happened, in fact far too much has happened for me to remember it all. I'm not really good at keeping up with these sorts of things especially since I tend to post things in the moment, and I prefer to save the big stories for the blog posts on here. I'll do my best to gather my bearings and tell the stories in the most non-confusing way possible. It doesn't seem feasible though, since a lot of what has happened happened a few weeks ago-- I'd just been putting this post off for weeks and weeks. 

So first off, 

I've met a wonderful guy. I mean, wonderful doesn't even seem to cut it. It seems like too much of an understatement to even try and limit all the words that could describe him. I do apologize if this seems like a ramble, I'm currently listening to music and I tend to write better when I have someone singing in my ear. It's also 12:05 in the morning and I've just finished two cans of Arizona green tea, so I'm hyped on caffeine. Probably not the best thing for me especially since I have work at 8:20, but I'm known to function just fine on 4-6 hours of sleep so long as there's coffee provided prior to working. 
Getting back on topic: 
His name means July in Spanish, he has curly black hair and a cute smile along with a rad personality to match. I've only known him for about 2-ish months now, but I feel like I've gotten to know a lot more about him in those two months than I have with anyone else. Our first date is in two days, and I'm more than sure that it's going to go great. 

Moving onto another topic, I've found some fantastic music. I'm sure I'll post a list of some of my favorites soon. It's only 12:30 right now, so I don't think I'll get to that soon but maybe sometime this week! 

I saw "Miniature Tigers" in concert at The Observatory in Santa Ana two nights ago with my sisters and it was definitely a night to remember. The first two bands that went on did not impress me and I remember feeling bored at one point. I was only two people away from the stage though, so I decided to make the most of it and pretend like I was a drunk at one point. It was a lot of fun. As horrible as it sounds, it was entertaining and I enjoyed myself. I actually got to stay for the encore, which was a first for me, and it was definitely worth enduring those two bands. On the way home, we made a boba stop at Cha for Tea by UCI and then a McDonalds run. 

Yesterday, I left my house at 12:15 AM and came back at 2:30 all because my friends and I wanted boba. So my best friend and I piled into our friend's car at 12:40 AM and made it there with 13 minutes to spare. Then we talked about school for a bit in the courtyard before heading back to where we left our cars. Unfortunately, we had to make four stops for someone who forgot to use the bathroom so that was an adventure all on it's own. 

I've recently become obsessed with this game called, "2048" and the objective is to get the 2048th tile, by combining other tiles together that add up with each other and overall it's addicting and a huge life ruiner. I recommend it if you have nothing to do.
Speaking of having nothing to do, I just finished my spring break!

Basically, all spring break I went to work in the morning, and then skyped Thomas who was also on Spring Break at UCD. Cool part was that all his friends had gone back home so it was great to catch up with my brother almost every day. I did some cool things here and there, like on Thursday when I went to Rutabegorz with the Knights in Old Town Tustin (I believe that's where it was) and I had some gourmet nachos. After dinner, we took the party to Taylor's house and I (for whatever reason) took a video of the whole ride back. It's pretty funny looking back on the sassy conversations exchanged between Jacob and I.

"That was so great, I'm going to go get a milkshake!" I JUST REALLY WANTED A MILKSHAKE.

Snickerdoodle cookies are so good, and I'm so glad Taylor's mom makes them in large amounts. I've come to the conclusion that I still can't play video games as well as I'd like to, but that doesn't stop me from playing.

So this concludes my spring break, I've left all my studying materials on the floor and I'll have to get to that in the morning but right now I'm just going to hit the sack. Or maybe listen to some more music for another 10 minutes, then call it a night.

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