Tuesday, June 24, 2014

more life updates!

These last two weeks have been something out of a dream, I feel like I've been walking on a cloud because of how wonderful everything's been going for me lately.

Exactly two weeks ago I was in Northern California where I spent almost a week with my cousin and her family and every day was completely family-filled as well as adventure-filled.It was the first time I had flown anywhere alone and been away from my family for such a long time. I'll admit, I was completely unsure of what to expect on the plane ride, but I kept to myself and made sure I didn't talk to anyone. I definitely slept for more than half of the plane ride, which was totally fine by me since I had just scarfed down a breakfast burrito I got five minutes before boarding. 
I had such a fun time catching up with family, meeting new people, eating fantastic food and spending every one of those days with so many people. Almost every day was a "boba day" due to the existence of a shop right down the street from the house where I stayed. The most important reason for my being there though was for my cousin's graduation. The post-graduation parties were definitely my favorite, right alongside the fact that I got to share her special day with her and several others. 
I also got to see my best friend at UCD where I spent about an hour with him and it was the first time I had seen him in five months. Good times were had where I was surrounded by people who just make me the happiest in the world, and if I wasn't eating, singing, or sleeping, I was laughing. What more could you ask for? 
I flew back on the morning of Father's Day even though I wasn't ready to come home. 

The following morning I had work and I had to get back into the swing of things. From there, the week flourished with excitement as I was surrounded by supportive friends and family at both in the workplace and at home. My best friend was home! And so was I, and it was about to get real. I honestly can't recall a single day where I wasn't spending time with him and my other friend, or planning a day where we would spend time together. Being at work from 8-11:45 every morning, and then either spending the rest of the day with them or at home, was completely relaxing. Also, we went out and had boba a lot. I have consumed SO much boba this month, I couldn't tell you how many times I've had it because I've lost count. I'm still trying to decide whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. I'm on the fence about it, but I'm leaning more towards "good thing". 

Well, it's now the 24th and things are coming to a halt in California, but that's only because the fun is about to begin. On Thursday morning, I'll be on a plane to Hawaii where I'm to spend seven days in paradise in a hotel room with my sisters and my cousin, where my parents will be right next door. It's definitely going to be an interesting week, but I have no doubt in my mind that it will be memorable as it will be fun. We'll be going to a graduation party on the 29th for my cousin who also graduated from high school earlier this month. I remember when I had a graduation party with two of my other cousins who had graduated with me in 2012, and yes, the party was in Hawaii. There are so many things I'm looking forward to this summer, and it's only just started. 

This is going to be the second summer where I'm single and to be completely honest, I'm totally okay with that. I don't feel like I'm tied down and I don't have to keep up with anyone and I'm free to spend as much time with the people I want to without feeling like I'm being selfish in doing so. I don't know, it's kind of nice not being in a relationship, but I'll always be thinking about my own happiness either way. And as of right now, I'm happy being without a significant other or any of the sort. I wouldn't mind a summer romance though, but that isn't in the cards and I have a lot of other things I'd like to focus on before thinking about regularly seeing someone again. 

Carne asada fries were put on this earth to watch me burn. Ever since Makaila and I drove to the middle of nowhere to try them, we've gotten them weekly followed by a trip to Cha for Tea right across UCI. It's a pretty damn good mix, I'd say. Boba + carne asada fries? Hella. 
I just incorporated two very, very "bay area-esque" words into that section of this post. No shame. Absolutely none at all.

Exciting news: I HAVE A SUMMER JOB. 
I'll be working at the school right across from my neighborhood from late June to late July. It's going to be fantastic, because I'll be doing the exact same thing I've been doing since January. Nothing is going to change, really, which is great news for me because I take a couple days to adjust. But the best part is I'm not a substitute this time; I'm an actual aide! I'm so stoked to work with these kids and be at a school I'm very much familiar with and it's just going to be a fabulous experience overall. 

And finally, I enrolled into an elementary algebra class for the summer and it's completely done online except for the midterm and final which are taken on-campus. But I have no complaints. The program that I use to do my homework and study from is by far the most helpful and convenient program I have ever used in my 20 years of life. It's incredibly helpful with it's incessant forced-review program (pretty self explanatory - It makes sure you know your most recently learned lessons by having you practice a couple problems until you've mastered it.) Then after you finish an entire unit, you take an assessment test to ensure that you've got it down pat, and whatever portion of the unit you haven't grasped is to be practiced again and then you advance onto the next unit. I have high hopes for myself and this math class, and this professor is proving to be reliable and approachable. Which are two very key things I look for in all of my professors. 

Basically, this summer is rad and it's just the beginning. 


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